Welcome to Winning in Life with Pastor Fred
Nov. 5, 2021

Your Voice and God's Power

Your Voice and God's Power

God wants you and I to develop a mindset for winning and a mindset for growing and developing in the things of God but what does that look like from a biblical point of view. If we operate according to all the things we see and hear but never allow God's word out of our mouth, then we will never make the impact that we were designed to make on the earth. Make no mistake about it, God wants to use your voice to impact your life and the lives of others around you. Will you let him is the question? I can guarantee you that the devil is coming against you not for who you are right now but who God designed you to be. If you will allow God to speak through you, the Holy Spirit will back you up and you will see God demonstrate his power in your life like never before. Listen to this impactful message from Pastor Fred as he talks about how to renew your mind so God can use your voice. 

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Always Remember, I love you, God loves you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about that.