Welcome to Winning in Life with Pastor Fred
July 4, 2024

Jesus Gave You a New Family

Jesus Gave You a New Family

Romans 5: 15-16 NLT

15 So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.” 16 For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children.

Have you ever did something so bad that you were afraid to tell your mother or father? Maybe you lied about something that you new was going to really upset them. Maybe you took something that did not belong to you. Maybe you did not have much of a relationship with your mother or father. Regardless of the situation, I want you to know that the moment you said I believe in Jesus, you were adopted into a brand new family; your heavenly family where God wants you to know him as father.

Many people like to acknowledge our heavenly father as God but its that name that people tend to provide so much overkill on thinking of God as supreme maker and creator of the earth and never realizing that the most important character of God is as their father. Consequently, they never tend to the relationship that God is longing for with each of his children. he is God but he is much more than that. Romans 8 calls God Abba, Father. Abba is an Aramic name which means daddy. As a matther of fact, Jesus never referred to God as God but he recognized him as Abba, meaning Daddy. 

My friends, it is that name that God wants you to really get to know him by and when you spend time with him as father, as Abba (daddy),  you are going to see your world evolve in such a magnificient way because of the power that is released in your life for knowing him as father and not just God.  The spirit of God is ready to open up this part of your life so that you can grab hold of the grace and favor that comes from knowing your heavenly father calls you his own child and that he has a love for you like no one you have ever met. 

Don't you go another day in your life just thinking God wants to set rules and laws for you to follow and keep you from the Good Life. Nothing is farther from the truth. He wants you to know him as daddy, so you can receive all the wonderful things that he can provide you because of a love relationship between the two of you. 

Confession: Today, I recognize that God is not just supreme ruler of the universe but he is my daddy. He wants a relationship with me because he loves me and because of his love for me, he will always be there for me to lead, protect, defend and bless me.