Welcome to Winning in Life with Pastor Fred
July 19, 2024

Grace Positions You to Live Victoriously

Grace Positions You to Live Victoriously

Romans 5:17-18

17 For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ. 18 Yes, Adam’s one sin brings condemnation for everyone, but Christ’s one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone. 

How many times have you heard someone tell you that because you did something wrong, God was going to get you? Or maybe you found yourself in some habitual behavior that you knew it was wrong and no matter how hard you tried, you could not break it on your own? Have you ever heard someone say God can't use you because your life is so messed up? All of those things are spoken from religious overtones that are exposed with condemnation and guilt. 

My friends, the grace of God is stronger than the sin of Adam. If Adam could sin and sin was delivered to all of us, then why is it so hard to understand that when Jesus died on the cross for your sins, he reversed the curse from Adam's sin. One man, Adam brought us sin, but one man, Jesus brought us amazing grace. Not just grace to keep you out of hell but grace that is available, if you believe on Jesus, to bring you into a life of peace, joy, prosperity and the abundant life God created inside of you through the grace of Jesus. Grace will deliver you from every bad choice you ever made if you will rest in Grace and let Jesus complete you.

You see, the verse tells us that all who receive the grace of Jesus will triumph over sin. Do you know that is just not the act of sin you will triumph over? It is also the effects of sin that grace delivers you from. Yes, there are consequences for sin actions, but those are not delivered by the hands of God. Satan is at work too behind the scenes. Jesus, the last Adam as the bible calls him, did all the work for you. All you have to do is believe on him. Look at the blind man in John 9, what did he do to get healed? Absolutely nothing. What about the woman who was caught in adultery in John 7? What did she do for forgiveness? Nothing. The only requirement for us to receive anything from Jesus is to accept it as a gift. You don't have to sow to get wealth. Wealth is yours. Giving is a principle that we should operate in because it shows our dependence on God, but our stance for receiving should be that I am God's child and I am an heir to all Jesus provided for me. The scripture above calls it the wonderful gift of grace of righteousness. It's so wonderful because it sounds too good to be true. 

Today, you need to make up your mind to believe on Jesus and receive what he did at the cross. Get into the word and find God's word for your life issue. We all have issues. Once you find a word for yours, stand on it, and declare what God says about your problem because Jesus already paid the price for you. You can boldly declare the promises of God no matter how bad you have messed up. 

Confession: I declare that the promises of God are mine freely because Jesus paid the price for me. I have faith in the Grace of God that I am as righteous as I will ever be and because of my faith in Jesus, sin will never separate me from the love of God. My work is to receive and rest in the goodness of God and I will walk in his favor because of his wonderful love and grace operating in my life.