Welcome to Winning in Life with Pastor Fred
June 26, 2024

God's Grace Through Jesus Gives You Everything

God's Grace Through Jesus Gives You Everything

John 1:16 AMP says that "For out of his fullness (abundance) we have received [all had a share and were all supplied with] one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor and gift (heaped) upon gift.  17 For while the law (rules and regulations) was given through Moses, grace (unearned, undeserved favor and spiritual blessing) and truth came through Jesus Christ. 

Most people have been taught to live by rules and regulations to prove they deserve the goodness that God provides to his people. For instance, they try to do good things to get good things from God and when they mess up and do something bad, they say that God will not give them good things or he is going to punish them for their behavior. Contrary to that opinion, God is not trying to find ways not to bless you. As a matter of fact when you excepted Jesus, God pronounced the blessing over your life and the punishment for your sins was nailed to the cross with Jesus. God sees your sin no more.

My friends, you can live everyday knowing that God might not love your mishaps or sins you commit but he is not punishing you for them when you believe in his love for you. He punished his only son Jesus for you so he would never have to punish you again. That same day he also released through his blessing the goodness of God and favor that came from receiving Jesus Christ. So if you are living life thinking God is waiting to punish you for your sins, stop that thinking and trust his in his love and goodness that grace brings you through Jesus Christ. Yes, God might try to correct you but he is not taking his blessing and favor from you.  That was the law of rules and regulation under Moses, but through Jesus (as the scripture states above) you receive and inheritance of an abundant supply of grace and favor, blessing upon blessing and gift after gift into your life. 

Now I don't know about you but I am glad Jesus went to the cross for me and because he did, I give thanks to God for his grace that has given me everything I need in life. That's right my friends, Grace gives you everything you need in this life if you can believe in Jesus Christ. So today, make a quality decision that you are going to stand in finish work of Jesus on the cross and trust that you walk in God's favor and blessing every day of your life. 

Confession: Today, I make a decision to believe in God's goodness and grace that was released to me when I accepted Jesus. Because Jesus died for my sins, I no longer have to pay a price for those mistakes and God has decided to give me his best so that I can live an abundant life. Therefore, today I have God's blessings and favor working for me in and on my life.